pix (piks) n. var. pl. of PIC.  Slang.  1. A photograph.

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Sports & Special Events Photography

If you've ever tried to take sports photos, you know how hard it is to get that perfect shot.  Sports photography is difficult without the proper access, equipment, and experience.  Mark Moran, a veteran of the newspaper industry, has all of the above. 

Mark has captured every kind of sporting event, from Penn State football games, NASCAR races, and golf tournaments to high school soccer games, swim meets, and Little League - and just about everything in between.  Contact us at  to speak to Mark about shooting an event for you. 

Mark also shoots social functions, feature pictures, product and promotional photos, engagements, graduations, pet portraits, corporate events, and custom stock photography.  He has even suited up to shoot some feature photos of honeybees in their hive!  You can rest assured that you'll be hiring an experienced photographer working for you no matter what the occasion.

In addition, Mark can provide Litigation Support Services to attorneys who need accurate and credible photographic evidence (injuries, accidents scenes, forensic evidence, property damage, faulty machinery, etc.) to support a case.    


Over the years, he has earned the respect of coaches, officials, and athletes alike, and his efforts have resulted in five awards from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association and three from the Society of Professional Journalists, including a 2011 First Place Sports Photo award.  To learn more about these and other honors click here

As Chief Photographer of the Citizens' Voice Newspaper, Mark kept his photojournalistic skills sharp.  His byline could be found on the front page of the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania newspaper on a daily basis.  

In addition, his work has appeared in papers and magazines all over the country via the Associated Press newswire.

Highlights include:  

  • The Denver Post

  • The Cleveland Plain Dealer

  • Chicago Tribune

  • Sporting News

  • USA Today

  • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

  • Philadelphia Daily News

  • msnbc.com

  • The Boston Globe

  • People Magazine







On Display

Several years ago, Mark found himself on the other side of the camera (in the form of a billboard on Route 309 in Luzerne County, PA).  

Click here to see! 


Back in the day. 
Shooting football with one of his
favorite lenses.

On one unique assignment, Mark suited up
to shoot close-ups of a beehive.

All images and text appearing on this web site are the exclusive property of Mark Moran, Melissa Moran, and Moran Photography, Graphics, and Design
  unless otherwise noted and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced in any form, and may not be copied, transmitted, or manipulated without the written permission of the owners.  Use of any images as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering, etc.) is a violation of U.S. and International copyright laws.